Fortunately, the fame of the so-called "miracle diets" is fading with the passage of time to give way to the golden age of fitness, which highlights the importance of a good sports routine to promote weight loss. Weight loss is a very important point to consider for many people in Spain, since, according to the INE, in 2022, 34.3% of people aged 18 and over were overweight and 14.1% obese, which is a totally alarming figure.
And we are not referring here, far from it, to the purely aesthetic aspect, but to the consequences that this condition has for our health, which we must improve.
However, for weight loss several factors come into play that need to be considered. It is useless to work out in the gym doing sports, if we do not follow a dietary routine (not a diet) according to the set goal.
Likewise, a stricter diet will mean a greater effort if we do not complement it with an adequate exercise routine.
So, what should we consider in order to achieve a proper weight loss routine?
Changing our lifestyle always involves a before and after, but pretending a revolutionary change from one day to the next is a double-edged sword to which many often succumb.
Therefore, we recommend you to set some small, but at the same time, transcendental objectives that will help you achieve many goals sooner than expected:
- Put yourself in the hands of professionals. Both in the sports and nutritional areas, we recommend you to be guided by experts who will plan routines according to your needs and goals.
- The daily caloric balance is important. If your goal is to lose weight, you must consume more than you take in.
- Introduce healthy foods gradually. If your current diet abuses unhealthy foods, introducing an abrupt change in your diet can be counterproductive. Introduce this change of routines gradually.
- Set realistic weight loss goals. Between 250 and 500 grams per week is a more than good figure to give you continuity over time.
- Help yourself with the 'invisible' changes. These are small changes in your daily life that will add up to significant extra energy expenditure: take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk if your work is sedentary...
- Combine different types of exercise. Cardio is essential to help the body achieve that caloric deficit, but, at the same time, strength exercise serves to increase our muscle mass, and thus, increase our basal caloric expenditure (what we consume simply by 'existing').
- Choose a gym with great professionals and a motivating environment - a very important decision! Opting for a center that encourages you to keep going will help you maintain your routine and make it easier to stick to it.

Many people's excuse for not improving their health and quality of life with exercise is that they don't have time in their daily lives to train. Nothing could be further from the truth! One hour a day is more than enough time to turn your quality of life around.
OrangeTheory's method consists of one-hour workouts that combine cardio and strength and work all muscle groups of the body. In addition, one of the great points of our way of working is that we combine the best of group training with the needs of individual training. Thus, we train in groups, but each person has his or her own routine, adapted to his or her objectives and capacity. Thus, before a treadmill exercise, one partner can run and another can walk fast.
Of course, we surround ourselves with the best professionals: our classes are led by coaches, sports experts who will direct the group training and ensure that all members of the group can perform without any problems.
But watch out, it's not all about training. At OrangeTheory we believe it is vital to go a step further: we are not only partners who train together; we also celebrate, do events and enjoy ourselves beyond the hour that the training lasts.
We are a family that strives together so that each member can achieve their dreams.
Would you like to meet us? You can request a free trial at one of our centers here.