If you’ve always wanted to complete a triathlon but weren’t sure about the swimming or biking portion of the race, now’s your time to shine: Any OTF member, from beginner to veteran, is built to TRI!
Put simply, during DriTri Orangetheory members take their Orangetheory game to the next level by completing three blocks: a 5K, a 2,000m row, and 300 body-weight reps. The crossing-the-finish-line feeling you get from completing DriTri is truly amazing.
DriTri is held twice a year, so participating is a great way to track your best efforts and see how much you improve. Think of it as a next-level, all-encompassing benchmark for all three stations — rower, treadmill and floor. Sound exciting? Sign up now to reserve your spot.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to become a Dri-Athlete.
Although DriTri is beginner-friendly, it’s a good idea to have a few classes under your belt before participating. In the weeks leading up to your DriTri, you’ll want to prepare. Here are our top five best training recommendations for DriTri:
- Attend Orangetheory classes two to three times a week in the weeks leading up to DriTri. Your OTF workouts prepare you for DriTri by improving your endurance, strengthening your muscles, and giving you the confidence you need to conquer the challenge.
- Participate in Orangetheory’s signature “Infinity” workout on March 3rd. This workout was designed as a DriTri prep, and features a row for distance, body-weight reps, and a run for distance. Think of it as a mini DriTri.
- Connect with your community. Whether it’s online or your fellow members and coach at your home studio, it’s important to stay connected. For one thing, veteran participants can tell you what to expect. Additionally, you’ll have a support system to help boost your spirits along the way.
- Stay hydrated and eat well. Proper nutrition and adequate hydration are key to optimizing your performance. The night before your DriTri, eat a meal you know agrees well with you, rather than carb-loading or trying a new recipe. “If people don’t usually eat pasta the night before a class, I don’t want people eating it before the DriTri, just because they think they’ll do better,” says Madison Senior of OTF in Smyrna, Georgia.
How Should I Pace Myself Along the Way?
On the day of the race, you’ll want to pace yourself for a strong finish. Hitting the workout as hard as you can at go -time is a recipe for burning out. On the other hand, you want to push yourself toward a time you can really be proud of. Here are some guidelines to help you stay safe and challenged on DriTri:

Come to DriTri ready to sweat! Most Dri-Athletes want to have a reusable water bottle by their side to help them stay hydrated .
You’ll also want to wear moisture-wicking, movement-friendly workout gear. Our line of performance wear features high-quality breathable fabrics that will keep you cool throughout your DriTri.
Finally, when was the last time you invested in a new pair of running shoes? The American College of Sports Medicine recommends replacing your shoes around every 350 miles. Since you’ll be running 5K during DriTri, it’s a good time to make sure your feet are properly supported. Just make sure you break in your new pair before the big day.
It’s easy! Just let your coach know, or click here to sign up. We’ll see you in March!