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Test DEV FAQ Section


Your trial is 100% free & will cover 7 days of classes at Orangetheory Fitness including a Heart Rate Monitor rental per visit. They will require a credit card on your initial visit to cover studio purchases, late cancel fees or non-return of the rental Heart Rate Monitor. You will be presented with a special offer to join at the conclusion of your trial week, but will not be auto-enrolled or charged for anything further at that point.


If you haven’t tried a free intro class within the last 60 days, you’re eligible to participate.


Class reservations must be cancelled 8 hours prior to class time or you will be charged a late cancellation fee. No shows will also be charged. Fees may vary by studio—please inquire at your local studio for full details.


Of course. Orangetheory is geared toward all levels of fitness & everyone is free & encouraged to go at their own pace.


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